Index of /prog/dwm-meillo/
my patch for dwm
A patch for dwm (a lightwight window manager for X) .
Patch for rev1163 (not quite v4.9)
* only 2 workspaces to toggle
* performs only the first matching rule for clients
* modifies the status bar in some ways (no squares)
* removes lots of IMHO unnessasary keystrokes (and so the access to features)
* my config.h is a second file and not in the diff
dwm-1163-meillo.diff (2008-05-10)
dwm-1163-meillo-config.h (2008-05-10)
Patch for rev1003 (~ v4.4.1)
* adds toggleview (only 2 workspaces to toggle)
* adds maxlayout (see monocle layout)
* performs only the first matching rule for clients
* modifies the status bar in some ways (no squares and more)
* removes lots of IMHO unnessasary keystrokes (and so the access to features)
* includes my config.h
dwm-1003-meillo.diff (2007-09-20)
And two separate patches, which are part of the upper patch.
dwm-1003-meillo-firstrule.diff (2007-09-20)
dwm-1003-meillo-nosquares.diff (2007-09-20)
Patch for v3.4
* adds viewnext() [code by jukka]
* adds maxlayout [code by mitch]
* modifies the status bar in some ways
* performs only the first matching rule for clients
* makes dwm tagging behave like ordinary workspaces (if you want)
* includes my config.h
dwm-3.4_meillo.diff (2007-02-11)
* get dwm from
* put it back to the version/revision which the patch is against
* patch
* make
* restart
(You probably want to have a look on my dotfiles.)
dwm-meillo is modified from time to time, whenever I feel unsatisfied
with the current version.
minimal dmenu-vertial
I created a very stipped-down version of fresch's dmenu-vertial patch
( , see also ). It only adds the
most important functionality but none of the ``fancy'' stuff. Thus it
is much closer to dmenu itself.
dmenu-4.0-vertical_meillo.diff (2009-06-03)
I wrote a script to generate a graph of how the SLOC of dwm changed
through time. The idea and first graph came from anydot (see mailing
list post ).
Requirements: mercurial, sloccount and gnuplot
current version:
resulsting picture: dwm-sloccount_r1302.png
old version:
resulting picture: dwm-sloccount_r1187.png
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