2019-02-24 I used to send reports about local sport matches to the mayor's office. Now their email provider decided to refuse to accept any attachments that contains more than one dot in the file name. Probably with the idea of blocking `*.doc.exe'. Unfortunately my picture captions which I store in files named `foo.jpg.txt' are blocked now as well. There was no success in talking to either the mayor's office or their email provider -- just pure ignorance! :-( They didn't even understand the problem. (`*.tar.gz' is out of their Windows world of course. They also blocked `*.doc' as well, only accepting `*.docx' now.) I am very much frustrated, because they are so wrong. Their ac- tion is not the right action to solve their problem. All they do is blindly smashing stuff with a very big hammer, in hope to hit the right ones as well. It frustrates me so much ... more than most of the bad computer stuff I had to experience in the last years ... also because I cannot simply walk away, as others depend on my work here ... http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke