2018-03-16 Rounding errors of floats in awk: :-Q awk 'BEGIN{ CONVFMT="%.2f"; print 408.59 + 1000; }' 1408.59 :-Q awk 'BEGIN{ CONVFMT="%.2f"; print 408.59 + 10000; }' 10408.6 :-Q awk 'BEGIN{ CONVFMT="%.2f"; print 408.59 + 100000; }' 100409 This is a nice example of how quickly you can run into them, even without fancy calculations! And a solution by using bc(1) from within awk: "echo \"scale=2; " sum " + " $3 "\" | bc -q" | getline sum [0] [0] https://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=169026&p=1168239#p1168239 http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke