2018-01-10 Francesc wrote: Die Programmierer dieser App verschwenden ihre Zeit da- durch, dass sie noch einer Bedienoberfläche zur Auswahl von Radiosendern entwickeln müssen, und zwar nicht deshalb, weil sie eine bessere Bedienoberfläche anstre- ben, sondern nur deshalb, weil die Sender, um die es geht, bestimmte Sender sind. [0] Translated to English: The programmers of this app waste their time as they have to develop a user interface to select radio sta- tions, but not because they [would] strive for a better user interface, but because the stations in this case are specific stations. How much these words hit the point! Francesc just sees it! :-) Btw: One should have a look at cplay in this respect. It is a small Python script, which acts as a music player frontend. Ac- tually it is only a list manager! You can add entries, remove them, sort them, etc. The playback is done by external players, which are invoked based on regexps on the entries. In principle, you can (with minor adjustments) realize playbacks of any kind of data, not just audio. I think this matches well with what Francesc writes. ... and this is one reason I like cplay that much! :-) [0] http://francesc.hervada-sala.cat/blog#anwendungsgefaegnis http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke