2017-09-01 My main computers have no Gimp installed, as it is too big an ap- plication for them. For heavy image manipulation, I have a separate workstation with all these multimedia tools on it. Sometimes I want to just do some quick basic image manipulation. Then I use Imagemagick, this great set of command line image manipulation tools. For cropping I wished to have a simple convert(1) frontend for a long time, but never found or implemented it myself. Thus I usu- ally crop by number fiddling with such a crop-view-repeat loop: convert -crop 1000x400+800+700 in.jpg out.jpg && sxiv out.jpg Not as often, I montage several pictures to a larger one. Today I did, this way: montage sidebyside?.jpg -geometry +0+0 out-sidebyside.jpg montage stagged?.jpg -tile 1x2 -geometry +0+0 out-stagged.jpg If you know how, then it's so easy ... even easier than in the Gimp. The important option is `-geometry +0+0'! http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke