2017-08-22 This is some real-world (prototype) code: function XYoci_parseCursor($conn,$sql) { $stmt =$conn->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(); $arr = $stmt->errorInfo(); if ($arr[0]=="00000") return $stmt; echo "

Can you see the program flow?

There's a lot done bad in this code. One of the problems  can  be
prevented  by  the  simple  rule:  Always  use braces for blocks!
There's no single good reason why  one  should  omit  them,  thus
there's  no need to compromise (which is unusual, because usually
we programmers have to take disadvantages regarding one  goal  in
order  to achieve another).  Just write those braces, every time!
So simple.

http://marmaro.de/lue/        markus schnalke