2017-02-07 An exceptional high percentage of all inexperienced server ad- ministrators with problems who ask for help in forums are running Teamspeak or Minecraft. In other words, these applications motivate users to go for running a server without being able enough to do so ... and they don't advance enough to become able to handle the server, thus leading to problems about which they then ask on forums. I'm not one of those who believe that you should never do any- thing above your level of knowledge, because really the stuff a bit above your level is what provides motivation and brings you forward. I think you should try to advance by challenging your- self, but do this only if you want to advance. To me it appears as if these Teamspeak and Minecraft server ad- mins don't want to learn, but just want to have this thing run- ning. This is the problem we have to face. But what is the solu- tion? I don't know. http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke