2017-01-08 Just realized that Michi writes a Unix diary as well. :-) [0] There I found this entry: [1] # 2016-12-22 I added a new alias to my .profile today: function cdl { cd $1 ls -h $1 } I have some comments: The variable expansions should be quoted, so it works with filenames that contain whitespace as well. Futhermore, it would be better to use: cd "$1" && ls -h because the ls(1) should only be executed if the cd was success- ful. Otherwise you would get two error messages. If you make the ls(1) call conditional, then you can omit the directory argument, because ls(1) either will be in the right directory or not be ex- ecuted at all. (Without the `&&', ls(1) would list the current directory if the cd failed.) And to eliminate the bashism, instead of ``function cdl {...}'' one should use ``cdl() {...}'' -- it's the same, just portable. Since some weeks, I'm thinking about adding this function to my standard set: md() { mkdir "$1" && cd "$1" } This one is quite common. But when I think about the number of systems I would have to deploy it, and if I think about how it feels when I don't have it available (on all those other systems I work on every once in a while) ... then I rather stick to Sven Mascheck's opinion to (in the extreme) rather type `ls -l' than wondering if `ll' is available. I'm not that extreme though, I do have some aliases, essentially these: alias ls='ls -F' alias ll='ls -lF --time-style=long-iso' alias lh='ls -lhF --time-style=long-iso' alias la='ls -AF' Only the `ls' and `ll' aliases I really need. The other two are nice to have. On my development machines, I usually have ~/bin/rr, which is some kind of recursive grep for searching the code base. Some- times I implement it with `egrep -r', sometimes (when I'm more on the grep(1) should have no `-r' trip), I use: find "$@" -type f | sort | xargs -d '\n' grep -I "$re" (I should try to rather use egrep(1) than grep(1) because of the speed as well as the more powerful regexps.) I don't really care much for the implementation of the `rr' script, it just saves me some typing for the usual cases, mainly I search for `identifier' or `\' or `\