2016-12-07 Jojo4u reminded me of Ruby. He told me that Ruby would be his language of choice, although he doesn't programm that much. Yes, Ruby is beautiful, but in my eyes, too beautiful. It's like a really beautiful lady: hardly usable for real work. And maybe similar as with a really beautiful lady, you're having a hard life if you're a novice. Still, Jojo4u ignited the motivation to read ``Programmieren mit Ruby'' by Röhrl et al. again. Maybe ... let's see. But what's the sense of reading a book about a language that you won't programm yourself? It's just for the pleasure ... Python is the language that I see rule the next decade or so (for real applications). I like the language conceptionally, but I cannot get myself to learn it or read books about it ... although I modify Python programms every now and then. Don't really know what's wrong with it for me. Tcl was the interesting alternative, that I've discovered several months ago, but I haven't written any more scripts since then. Perl, well, it's art, but for programming not my world. And PHP? I program with it on the day job and parts of my own websites are in PHP as well, thus i know it sufficiently well. It's ugly but it doesn't trouble me too much (mainly because of historic reasons). In the end, I remain programming in the classical set of Unix languages: C, sh, awk. (Plus PHP for web stuff.) And for the GUI stuff, for which I would like to use one of the other scripting languages? I don't find enough motivation or need to actually want to develop such stuff. http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke