2016-11-17 I'm currently converting some rips of video DVDs to MP4 files. It began with a lot of trial 'n error but now I've achieved good results. (The quality value of 24 and VGA resolution is enough for my needs. YMMV.) The most straight-forward type is this: cat VTS_01_[1-9].VOB | avconv -i - -s vga -q 24 -c:v libx264 \ -c:a libmp3lame -ac 2 -async 25 foo.mp4 It works well if the first audio track is the one I want. If this is not true, I have to remap it, e.g. like this: cat VTS_01_[1-9].VOB | avconv -i - -s vga -q 24 -map 0:v -map 0:a:1 \ -c:v libx264 -c:a libmp3lame -ac 2 -async 25 foo.mp4 I haven't really understood exactly how this mapping works and which audio channel is which. Thus each time, I'm just doing some check: encoding some seconds from within the movie, using the -ss and -t switches. Then I had one case in which I created two separate files, each containing a part of the video. I combined them this way: MP4Box -cat foo-part1.mp4 -cat foo-part2.mp4 -new foo-all.mp4 In another case, there was bad or no AV-sync. I fixed it this way: avconv -i foo1.mp4 -async 25 -c copy foo2.mp4 http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke