2016-09-20 Someone asked my about my oppinion in the ``Emacs vs. Vim'' de- bate ... and I told him that it used to be ``Emacs vs. vi''. There are those people who type `vi' and expect Vim to show up. (That's like writing ``#!/bin/sh'' and using bashisms.) Others type `vim', get a ``command not found'', then type `vi', and suffer hard from missing all those Vim features they think would be vi features. I, on the other hand, have my problems with typing `vi' and get- ting Vim. This parens highlighting feature, for instance, is plainly annoying! The curser jumps around and I get confused where I am. ``set noshowmatch'' is not the right thing, although it seems to be. The solution is: ``NoMatchParen'' on the ex line or ``let g:loaded_matchparen = 1'' in the vimrc. Afterwards, editing becomes so much quieter ... less disturbing. (If you want to be shown the matching paren, just use `%'.) http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke