2016-09-05 In OSM, you can upload GPS traces and display all public ones in the editor, as a supplement to the areal images. My region has a poor GPS coverage, thus I motivate uploading more traces. To base my effort on visible facts, I wanted to be able to point to a direct traces view. As I didn't know about [0] I created my own view a few days ago: [1] It was really easy with Leaflet. In the following days, I im- proved the page a bit, which was more of a trial'n'error ap- proach. It was quite interesting working on that and discovering some backgrounds here and there. The discussion on the mailing list: [2] [0] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/mapsview?entry=OpenStreetMap%20GPS%20Traces [1] http://marmaro.de/osm/gps-traces-map/ [2] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-de/2016- September/113433.html http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke