2016-02-03 Sheds are unheated, not build to last forever, the roofs are simple, sometimes simple windows exist. [0]on During the last five hours, I got my command line OSM editor (which is now called `shed', for ``shell editor'') to a working state. Right afterwards, I used it to make a mass edit: [1] It contains 81 times the same change: Replace: name = Naturdenkmal Linde natural = tree with the more semantic: natural = tree genus = Tilia genus:de = Linde denotation = natural_monument The change can be seen, for instance, here. [2] The edit itself was done in about 15 minutes, with a large part just trying to get the Overpass query [3] http://overpass- api.de/api/interpreter?data=node%0A%20%20%5Bname%3D%22Naturdenkmal%20Linde%22%5D%0A%20%20(47.910819344324054%2C9.2010498046875%2C49.1008472617129%2C10.741882324218748)%3B%0Aout%20meta%3B right. Shed is the same kind of editor as Level0: One loads some objects (directly, or indirectly via an Overpass query), then one is able to modify them in plain text. To modify the text in shed, I use vi. This one-liner for vi did all the work: :%s,name=.*,genus=Tilia^Mgenus:de=Linde^Mdenotation=natural_monument, Doing such work with the iD editor would have taken an hour and would have been ultimately tedious. Of course, one could have made the same edit with Level0 within Firefox having Vimperator/Pentadactyl activated. Then vi could have been used for editing, as well. However, shed can already be scripted to make such edits in systematic ways, like for a whole bunch of tree genera in one go. I have not done this yet, because that's automatic editing, which one should be really careful about, but it is already possible ... after just 12 hours of reading, understanding and modifying the Level0 sources! That's so much leverage with so little effort! (Thanks a lot, Zverik for Level0!) Yet missing are a lot of cleanups, adding a readme file, adding a makefile for installing ... and then going public. :-) [0] Rogehm [1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/36986879 [2] https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3984241463/history [3] http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke