2015-12-16 Read the text on http://utf8everywhere.org. It's too much Windows-centric but nonetheless interesting. I like that it is written so pragmatism-minded. On the theoretical side, the difference between charset, encoding and font are poorly understood by most programmers. I wonder why. It's not too difficult. Maybe the reason is that in US-ASCII and Latin1 the former two are merged into one. This legacy needs to be overcome! Not just when thinking hard about it but intuitive- ly! Here a nice chart about effective whatever use on the web. [0] Interesting what this whatever might be! A good example for my former statement! The filename is ``Unicode'', but the title says ``UTF-8''. Now guess which one it is! [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:UnicodeGrow2b.png http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke