2015-11-03 This is an interesting article: [0] Actually, I don't like such possible security problems much, because I perfer to regard com- puters as enablers than as high-security defences. In other words: I have my eyes on the possibilities not on the dangers. Of course, it is important that we care for security and that some people look very close in this area, but to highlight the dangers in everything is just annoying. Well, the presented bug is the consequence of a feature. It's a worthwhile lesson that any feature has the potential to be a structural bug. This kind of bug is most difficult to solve. Let us imagine a scenario: If tools would recognize options only at the beginning of the argument list but not at the end. If wildcards would only be used for filename expansion. If all op- tions would start with the same character `-'). If this charac- ter would be last in the sort order. Then the problem would not exist. A solution for GNU tools would be to always use `--' before any wildcards. [0] http://www.defensecode.com/public/DefenseCode_Unix_WildCards_Gone_Wild.txt http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke