2015-09-28 Without question, Donald Knuth is the greatest writer we have in computer science. And maybe typical for such writers, his legen- dary Art of Computer Programming series is read by almost nobody ... because it's too good. ;-) Well, I once read (or at least skimmed through) the first volume, right at the beginning of my studies ... and understood almost nothing. Later, I read some algorithms (in Searching and Sorting) for reference. Still, I'm waiting for the day (i.e. years) to study these works. But luckily Knuth has also written shorter texts. ``The Letter S'' is one of those great ones (although it apparently isn't available online for free). Another one is his reply to Dijkstra's famous ``Goto Considered Harmful'': ``Structured Pro- gramming With Go To Statements''. [0] This latter one is what I read these days. Of course, it by no means is a short article. And also of course, it doesn't just make a point but rather gives a whole overview on the topic and discussion and the computing times back then. In other words: You get exactly what you're meant to get from Knuth. And besides that, it's a pleasure reading Knuth, not only that he knows how to use the language but also because of the humor you discover every once in a while. [0] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?StructuredProgrammingWithGoToStatements http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke