2015-09-14 Came across on joining strings in the shell, [0] which I found interesting. Actually, it's not that much of a thing to get the problem solved, but it found it nice to be reminded of the :+ ex- pansion modifier. Well, I commented on the blog post, proposing a solution similar to the one j_hn submitted later on, but my ver- sion was correct, and I commented the use of upper case variable names for own shell variable, which IMO is bad practice because they were meant to be reserved for the system. Well, my comment was never made visible, while others were. I then wrote a second comment to ask the author to display my comment, especially, as it contained a correct version of j_hn's code, for which I ex- plained how to fix it. ... nothing happened. Seems as if my com- ments weren't welcome. (I write this one month later.) [0] https://chris-lamb.co.uk/posts/joining-strings-in-posix- shell http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke