2014-11-07 Firewalls are all too often used to keep *Internet* users from working by putting them into *Web* jails. (This will stop when we route all traffic encrypted over https -- what an abuse, but the inevitable consequence.) Well, today, I reinstalled sshl on the server, to be able to con- nect to it on port 443. This seems to be necessary today ... Some documents that I found more useful than the rest I found (note that some of them solve different problems): [0] [1] [2] [3] [0] http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2013/11/27/tunnel-ssh-over-ssl/ [1] http://blog.chmd.fr/ssh-over-ssl-a-quick-and-minimal- config.html [2] http://blog.remibergsma.com/tag/lighttpd/ [3] http://dag.wiee.rs/howto/ssh-http-tunneling/ http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke