2014-09-17 Today, I reworked parts of the back-ends of apov and lue. The change should allow me to write more than ten lue entries on one day without having the earlier ones slip through the feed and the page of latest entries. (This is necessary because today I catched up on the backlog. I added all the lue entries of the previous weeks, which were more than ten. Now, I'm up to date again, eventually.) Furthermore, the mail delivering of the entries is no more based on a single timestamp only but the system remembers which entries it already has delivered. This is more robust. Although there is currently only one person who receives my en- tries by email (because RSS is a broken technology), I started to set up a mailing list for lue-by-mail receivers. This needs a bit more testing before I put it into production. (I plan to use mailing lists more often in the future. They are more flexible and powerful than hard coded addresses.) http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke