2014-08-29 These days, I work a lot with the mouse and GUI applications, namely Scribus and the Gimp. I greatly value the ability to zoom and move the page with the mouse's scroll wheel (plus Ctrl or Shift). I use the scroll wheel as well for spinboxes and sliders: point with the mouse cursor and change the value with the scroll wheel. (In Scribus you can modify the adjustments the scroll wheel does in spinboxes if you push Shift or Ctrl.) This is very productive. A real breakthrough, which I only expected in text languages (like latex, troff, pic, etc.) is available in Scribus. It should definitely become available everywhere: I can enter ``12/4'' in a spinbox and it will change the value to ``3''. The ability to do simple calculations is so powerful (at low cost) that you don't want to miss it no more. To shrink something by half its size, just append ``/2'' and you're done -- let the computer do the calulations, cause that's what it can do best. You can use `pagewidth' or different units as well. (See section 5.8.2 ``The Properties Palette'' in the Scribus book.) This feature is a good example that GUI *can* be super productive and well done as well. That made my day. http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke