2014-05-23 I used to use jack(1) to rip some tracks from Audio-CDs, until I switched to use cdda2mp3, in 2007, [0] just because jack wasn't installed and I had no internet connection. cdda2mp3 wasn't too bad, especially because I needed it so rarely. Now, I wanted to save me the extra work of renaming all the files afterwards. Thus I came back to jack. Using jack can be very productive, as you don't need to care for anything. It does all the work automatically and cares for all the task management itself. You just fire off: jack -Q -E lame And you'll be fine ... most of the time. In my case of a CD with classical musik, the directory and file names were far from what I wanted and needed. I cared more for the work than for the interpretation. As well, I wanted the files be grouped by the individual work, but not keep the grouping chosen for this concret CD. Eventually, renaming and moving the files wasn't less work than with cdda2mp3. (In both cases, emv, is of so much help!) [0] http://marmaro.de/lue/txt/2007-09-25.txt http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke