2014-05-01 In Thomas Koenig's at(1) (maybe in other implementations too) the first command in an at script is changing the working directory to the one the users was in when he submitted the job. This is all right when users use at to run some task in a few minutes, but you run into problems if you use at for reminders in a few years: the working directory might not exist anymore. I do use at for reminders about credit card expire dates and the like. (I've written a small wrapper around at, called `wv', to ease this task for me.) Today, I received a mail message that at wasn't able to change the directory, thus the job failed ... that was it. Unfortunately, I don't even know *what* job had failed. It's all gone. Yet, it wasn't even necessary to be in that parti- culary directory, because all those jobs do is sending me a rem- inder email. To solve the concrete problem for me, my wv script now first changes to the root directory before the mail reminder job is submitted to at. But the problem in at remains. It should at least attach the whole job script to the error mail, so that the user is able to identify the job and run it by hand. Wrote an awk script to print average values of text input and convert timestamps to date strings: awk -F\; ' NR>6 { sum=0; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) { sum+=$i } "date +%y-%m-%d\\ %H:%M:%S -d @"$1 | getline d; printf("%s%.2f\n", d, sum/(i-1)); } ' The input looks like this: 1397858700;38.62;3.26;25.89;0.00;7.85;1.06;0.55;42.59 1397859000;4.72;0.69;3.71;0.00;0.07;0.12;0.12;6.72 And finally, rss2email. I received these errors wheneven no new entries were available: E: error in [7] "http://example.org/rss.xml" feed (no Content-type specified) The XML however seemed to be valid. I had a look into the source code but found no clear problem. (I wasn't too eager to deal with that XML stuff.) It looks like as if rss2email distinguished between and , but the feeds use them just as they like to. Some put all the text into whereas others put it into . Some of these cases (I haven't in- vestigated which ones) produce these error messages. Interest- ingly, they don't appear if there are new entries. Well! http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke