2013-11-15 Further work on the Cubietruck. Three days ago, a new version of Cubian came out. [0] Now that the Cubietruck is available, versions that support it are soon to expect. The new version is said to run on the Cubietruck, although without ethernetworking. I'm not sure how this is an im- provement to the situation already possible with the r3 version. Not satisfied without networking, I've searched for more informa- tion on how to get it running. It must be possible because the Lubuntu version supports it. (I prefer to wait or do it myself instead of simply installing an Ubuntu system. That's a fundamen- tal decision.) In the Cubieforums, I found this thread: [1] It says, I'd need a new kernel. (Sadly, ikaruzz doesn't share his Kernel. He excuses it with: ``There are other people in this forum, who can do it better. I am not a developer!'' I'd rather use a bad kernel that I have than a better kernel that I don't have ... I am a developer but have few experiences in this field. Most of the stuff is searching for information, good guessing and trial and error.) Actually, I'm not really sure anymore how I actually managed to get it working. First, I tried to crosscompile a kernel myself. I followed [2] with inspiration from [3] and [4] and with the background knowledge of [5] about cross-compilation. Transferring the new kernel was of now help. It must have been the firmware or the modules ... I assumed and still assume that I don't need to care for the u- boot bootloader. There is one installed. If I don't destroy it, I probably can simply take it for granted. My second try was inspired by the Lubuntu installation tutorial. [6] IIRC, I started with the Cubian A20r4 image. Then I took files in the Lubuntu bootfs to replace the ones of the image: cd /sd/boot cp ..../bootfs/* . bin2fex script.bin >script.fex vi script.fex # set screen0_output_type to 4 fex2bin script.fex >script.bin Then, this time, I copied all modules and firmware: cd /sd cp -a ..../rootfs/linaro/lib/modules/3.4.61+/ lib/modules/ cp -a ..../rootfs/linaro/lib/firmware/* lib/firmware/ This system booted without problems, IIRC. The wifi interface started to work when I loaded the `bcmdhd' module. The ethernet interface worked with the `sunxi_gmac' modules. Now, I do have LAN and WLAN networking. Yay! To load the modules permanently, add them to /etc/modules. [7] The thing I'm still missing is access to the full 2G of RAM. Only 1G is recognized. Don't know what the problem is, but since I currently use only 250M, I don't care too much now. Now, the system is fully usable. Great! I am very happy with the amount of documentation that is avail- able for the Cubieboards. [8] [9] [10] I started to install the usual set of packages, including an X server because I want to use the machine as an interactive desk- top machine. Because I always need to look it up again, here for the record. To adjust the keyboard on Debian, edit /etc/default/keyboard: XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="de" XKBVARIANT="nodeadkeys" XKBOPTIONS="caps:escape" BACKSPACE="guess" To adjust the console font on Debian, edit /etc/default/console- setup: ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-6]" CHARMAP="UTF-8" CODESET="guess" FONTFACE="Terminus" # you need the package `kbd' for this font size FONTSIZE="12x24" VIDEOMODE= Then run `/etc/init.d/console-setup restart'. To set the timezone: `dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'. Apt's default install-recommends considered harmful. To disable this default behavior, add this to /etc/apt/apt.conf: APT::Install-Recommends "0"; APT::Install-Suggests "0"; [0] http://cubian.org/2013/11/12/cubian-r7-for-a10-and-r4-for- a20-released/ [1] http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php?topic=977.0 [2] http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/ct1/installation/cb3_lubuntu- 12.10-desktop_nand_installation_v1.00#changing_kernel [3] http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/ct1/development/compiling_latest_kernel_for_cubietruck_cubieboard3 [4] http://linux-sunxi.org/FirstSteps#Building_the_kernel [5] http://gsoc.sitedethib.com/posts/apt-get_install_gcc-4.7- arm-linux-gnueabihf/ [6] http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/ct1/installation/install_lubuntu_desktop_server_to_sd_card [7] https://wiki.debian.org/Modules#Automatic_loading_of_modules [8] http://linux-sunxi.org [9] http://docs.cubieboard.org [10] http://cubieforums.com http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke