2013-10-24 Suddenly, my mail server was blacklisted. Eek! That's no fun. At least, I don't provide mail services for many people, but I do host mail accounts of friends and some mailing lists. Finding the source of the problem was easy. The mailer daemon messages explained it clearly: 554-gmx.net (mxgmx007) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available 554-No SMTP service 554-IP address is black listed. 554 For explanation visit [...some website...] (This is a reason why clear text protocols and human readable status comments are good.) First, I checked some blacklist query services [0] [1] *where* my server is blacklisted. The result was quite comforting: Only two times blacklisted. One blacklist lacked further information, the other had the whole IP listed, already since two years. Both lists were of minior importance. This couldn't be the problem. I discovered, that only GMX, Web.de, and some institution refused to accept my messages. It smelled much like an internal blacklist of United Internet. Hence, I wrote to their support team for ex- planation. Many of the subscribers of the mailinglists I host have GMX and Web.de addresses; this might have caused a classification as pos- sible spammer. The support reaction time wasn't in the business range, but my server was delisted about 15 hours later, at least. Sadly, they told my only that they removed me from their blacklist, but not why I became listed in the first run: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by sending emails to our customers. In the meanwhile the IP address was de-listed from our blacklists. The delivery of the emails should work normally again. [0] http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check [1] http://blacklistalert.org/ http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke