2013-06-07 Read about rc. [0] This explanation of it is worth a read, espe- cially Section 28 ``Design Principles''. Note also the perfectly simple implementation of the man command (Section 26). There's one thing in the paper I haven't understood (Section 27): fn read{ $1=`{awk '{print;exit}'} } Why is awk used here? If I need to cut after the first line, I'd rather use ``sed q''. It seems unlikely that this use of awk is by accident. Found this (old) list of software patents. [1] It's fun to scroll through it and read a bit here and there. The search for Dennis Ritchie is obvious, but there's also a note on rms in there. [0] http://static.tobold.org/rc/rc-duff.html [1] http://www.textfiles.com/law/softpat.txt http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke