2013-06-03 In PHP 5.4 SQLite 2 is no longer supported. I updated the one script I have that uses it to the SQLite 3 interface. To convert the database, I used: sqlite db.sqlite2 .dump | sed 's,COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,,' | sqlite3 db.sqlite3 While I worked on the scripts, I added some activity logging. That's something few scripts of me have but it would be good to have more of it. I've edited the Wikipedia a couple of times not may. Today, I've corrected the target of a link that was titled ``REST''. It led to the page of reStructuredText instead of the Representational state transfer page. Later in the evening, I finished Francesc's book ``Text-oriented Software''. [0] It is a real hit. It envisions a world way beyond the current movement towards a semantic web. It describes a revolutionary, yet all too natural, way of using computers. When Plan 9 is one step further than Unix, Francesc's system is even another step further. Possibly the world is not ready to take this road this way but nonetheless, Francesc opens the door to this potential computing world of some future and open-minded computer hackers should have a look through that door into this wondrous world and get inspired. [0] http://www.amazon.com/Text-Oriented-Software-Toward- Unifying-Principle/dp/1450538738 http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke