2012-12-29 I have one machine still running Windows: Zockerbox, a computer for LAN parties. It has a 6 GB hard disk with Windows 2000 and the three important games (CS 1.5, Colin2, Morrowind) installed. I don't need more than that. As the hard disk is old and a bit small, I moved the system on a larger one (40 GB). I found a good tutorial for doing so. [0] A short summary: (1) Boot a LiveCD (2) Create a partition on the new disk and set the boot flag (3) Copy the MBR: `dd if=/dev/old of=/dev/new bs=446 count=1' (4) Copy the contents: ``dd if=/dev/old1 of=/dev/new1 bs=64k' I had no problems booting the system from the new disk. Unfortunately, however, the old system was already damaged, thus I have some annoying problems from time to time. Seems as if I would need a fresh Windows installation somewhen. Then, I'll save a copy of the fresh system to be able to clone it back to start again from a clean state. On the other hand, my gaming times have mostly ended. The last LAN party was one and a half year ago. Is it really necessary to do that work for a now rare event? [0] http://www.2pi.info/software/copying-windows-new-hard- drive.html http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke