2012-12-17 Having an UPS is one thing -- I have one attached to my home server -- monitoring it is another. I already had apcupsd in- stalled on the system, but it wasn't configured to run. I needed to change the cable type to USB in order to get it running. Then I ran `apcaccess status' and did some tests. If you have a good UPS, which allows remote control, then you should use it. Today, I discovered that Robert Reiz's diploma thesis, ``Mail Travel Agents on Linux systems. Introduction, goals and histori- cal overview'', [0] includes a section on masqmail. I'm curious to read it. Unfortunately, his thesis is not freely available. Let's see how I can access it. Also came across FREETZ. [1] They have a masqmail package [2] and they even added my diploma thesis on masqmail to their ticket system. [3] :-) This project looks worthwhile for trying out. Further more, I discovered that Linux Magazine had mentioned masqmail-0.3.2 in the Tooltipps of their 2011-09 issue. [4] The concluding sentence: ``Masqmail ist eine erfolgreiche und zuverlässige Alternative zu Sendmail & Co.'' (Translated: ``Masqmail is a successful and reliable alternative to Sendmail & Co.'') :-) [0] http://robert-reiz.com/publication/ [1] http://freetz.org/wiki [2] http://freetz.org/browser/branches/sf3978_packages/make/masqmail [3] http://freetz.org/attachment/ticket/1461/schnalke- masqmail.pdf [4] http://www.linux-magazin.de/Ausgaben/2011/09/Tooltipps http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke