2012-08-31 The router at home updates my dyndns.org account to have a name to access my server at home. I have no control on how the built- in software does its job. Therefore, I installed `inadyn' and set it up to update the IP address once an hour. I used this confi- guration: update_period_sec 600 username foo password bar dyndns_system dyndns@dyndns.org alias foo@dyndns.org I like that the long options on the command line are equal to the configuration file directives, but I don't like the underscores and the length of the common directive `update_period_sec'. `update_period' is in milliseconds, which is in no way appropri- ate for dyndns updates. Dropping the milliseconds options and naming the other directive `interval' would have been more con- venient for me. It is also questionable if seconds are a relevant unit for the update interval. Minutes would have been the better choice, IMO. Then, of course, sub-minute intervals would not be possible, but who needs them anyway? http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke