2012-03-02 And for the third day, I worked on my email setup. Today, I moved the rest of the mail accounts and updated the DNS accordingly. Now everything runs on the new machine and it seems to run fine. After cleanup and backup work, I terminated my webspace rental with effect for June. Finally! Well, one thing is still left to do: Fight the spam. :-( Current- ly I receive a lot of spam. I can take that for some weeks. Worse is that the spam reaches recipients of my mailing lists, too. They shouldn't have to take it. As a first shot, I disallowed non-subscribed addresses to send messages to the list. I don't like this policy, because I don't want to force people to subscribe when it's me who wants to know what they like to say. Reporting bugs for instance needs to be minimal work. Hence, I hacked my mailing list software (minimal- ist) to forward mails from not-subscribed senders to myself. I encapsulated the original messages in RFC 934 format, to have them easily extractable with burst(1). That should do the job for now. Good anti-spam actions are still waiting to be implemented. Minimalist isn't maintained anymore. I have a guess why: The code's horrible. (Am I just too used to well written code?) It's less than 2000 lines of Perl, but the first half is not modular- ized into functions; only conditionals over conditionals. I shouldn't be surprised to discover such an indentation style: (Notice the indentation of the closing braces!) foreach $s (@junk) { if ( $s =~ s/^\@// ) { # Expand items, starting with '@' if (open(IN, $s)) { while () { chomp $_; $result[@result] = $_; } close IN; } } elsif ($s ne '') { $result[@result] = $s; } } When I discover unmaintained email software, which I use, I al- ways feel this need to take it over and care for it. It's 2000 lines of Perl in a horrible style. I surely could do better ... But I don't have the time for it. I simply cannot work on it. I need to care for the projects I already have adopted. I already have problems to care for both, mmh and masqmail. Hence, I'll keep running the hacked minimalist and wait to get some round tuits. Maybe I should though have a look at enemies-of-carlotta. Be it only to compare the coding style. http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke