2012-02-13 The previous days had been most productive for my work on mmh. I've reworked large parts of the code base. Most important had been the modularization that I've introduced, dropping ancient performance hacks. In order to save a fork() and exec(), whole programs were compiled into others, leading to fat binaries and heavily interweaved code. I removed these interweavings, making things clear and small, without notable slow-downs. I've also reworked and extended spost. It became quite usable now. Further- more, I've droped old cruft like, as an extreme example, the sup- port for hardcopy terminals. I've not seen a single one in use ... although I would have loved to. Actually, there had been a fallback pager function inside mmh. Of course, that's something I removed. The pager might be the best example for successful separation of functions in multiple programs that can be com- bined. http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke