2012-01-26 Came across http://olduse.net/ via Joeh Hess's blog post. [0] That's something I like: old stuff. :-D I definately need to enter Usenet! Here are highlights from olduse.net blog posts: http://article.olduse.net/4702%40Aucbvax.UUCP http://article.olduse.net/120%40Aucbarpa.UUCP http://article.olduse.net/4857%40Aucbvax.UUCP And these about roque: http://article.olduse.net/1165@Autzoo.UUCP http://article.olduse.net/698@Aharpo.UUCP ... if I'll ever become to feel what they talk about? Playing a few hours of nethack isn't enough. That's a *world* you need to *dive into*, in order to feel it. And I came across the great essay ``Reading Code: In praise of superficial beauty'' [1] That's a must read. [0] http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/olduse.net_1982/ [1] http://corte.si//posts/code/reading-code.html http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke