2011-11-11 Today, it's just links and information, I came across recently. If you set the environment variable BLOCK_SIZE like this: BLOCK_SIZE=\'1 Then the GNU coreutils show a thousands separator in large numbers, like generated by `ls -l' or `du -s'. Of course, you could supply `-h' to these commands, but then it is difficult to spot the magnitude of the numbers at first glance. You need to look at the unit prefixes. By leaving `-h' out, you see the magnitude of the number at once. BLOCK_SIZE helps you to count the digits in this case. I haven't investigated deeper, but it seems as if BLOCK_SIZE is a GNUism. Hence I'm not sure if I should go for it. I found BLOCK_SIZE on [0]. There's also this interesting usage of abiword, which I should try out (in German): Konvertieren von Textfiles mit AbiWord Mit AbiWord lassen sich Textdateien ganz einfach auf der Kommandozeile wandeln: abiword --to=pdf document.doc Wandelt beispielsweise eine Microsoft Word-DOC Datei in das PDF-Format um. AbiWord kennt eine ganze Reihe von Dateiformaten, z.B. abw, txt, rtf und html. abiword --to=txt --exp-props="encoding:utf-8" test.wri Abiword kann auch Zeichensaetze konvertieren. Im Beispiel wird eine Textdatei von Windows nach Linux UTF8 gewandelt. Wenn man Skript gesteuert mittels AbiWord eine neue leere RTF-Datei erstellen moechte, oeffnet sich AbiWord mit "unbekannt0". Als Workarround dazu in einem Skript: echo "x" > $name.txt abiword --to=rtf $name.txt abiword $name.rtf So laesst sich eine neue RTF-Datei skriptgesteuert mit AbiWord anlegen. Das x am Dateibeginn muss man in Abi- word noch loeschen. Then, there's Pentadactyl [1], a (it seems) not so fat-grown Vim- perator. I should compare them soon. This [2] shows the magnitudes of size, through time in computing well. Understanding these differences in size is a motivation to value small software. And here [3] the railway and telegraph lines at about 1900. You may want to know more about relinking a a deleted, but still opened file: [4] [5] That should do it for now. [0] http://www.cc-c.de/german/linux/bash-quickies.php [1] http://dactyl.sourceforge.net/pentadactyl/index [2] http://prog21.dadgum.com/116.html [3] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/Eisenbahnen- _und_Telegraphendichte_der_Erde_um_1900.jpg/800px-Eisenbahnen- _und_Telegraphendichte_der_Erde_um_1900.jpg [4] http://serverfault.com/questions/168909/relinking-a- deleted-file [5] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4171713/relinking-an- anonymous-unlinked-but-open-file http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke