2011-09-05 Had been productive today. I created a Crux port for byacc, the Berkeley yacc. Then I worked on a heirloom-ed ``package''. As I do work in- teractively with ed then and when, I like to have a nice ed at hand. The one from the Heirloom Toolchest is such a cool one. In order not needing to install the whole toolchest, I extracted ed and the rest it needs to compile. From this extraction, I creat- ed a Crux port. And finally, I also worked on a Crux port for ex-vi. While on the topic, I also researched about mk (from plan9port). Make can't be saved, thus let's use mk! Still I haven't learned to use it, and still I wonder if I'd better keep writing minimal- istic (portable?) makefiles. No, I should demonstrate, that mk is a sane way to go! I use bogofilter to classify incoming mail. It added ``***SPAM***'' or ``__unsure__'' to the Subject line in these cases. This had been annoying as I needed to remove the marks on replying. Now bogofilter adds a ``X-Bogofilter-Spam'' or ``X- Bogofilter-Unsure'' header in these cases, which nmh's scan list- ing transforms into augmented subjects. That's how to do it! :-) Nmh -- yes, we're on the topic. I really should start to work on it. At least I took a look into the sources of the book ``UNIX Text Processing'', [0] which I read currently. It provides a knowledge and source base for the thesis I'm gonna start to write very soon. And only minutes before midnight, I started even another task. Some behavior in my dwm version ``aewl'' annoyed me for many months. Today was the time to change that: I moved any floating clients to a new ``floating space''. This introduced another view toggle: On highest level between tiling space and float space. Then (only for tiling) between tagged and untagged clients. And finally there is cycling through the clients in one view. While working on aewl, I also a so called ``per tag mode''. Now I can toggle between tiling and max layout on both views of the tiling space independently. (Maybe I should better call it ``toggle-wm''. ;-) ) You haven't understood it all? Come here and I'll demonstrate. But very likely you wouldn't want to use such a setup. It's ex- tremely taylored to my specific needs. [0] http://home.windstream.net/kollar/utp/ http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke