2011-06-24 Much too late I managed to write the look back on my sixth year with Unix. Then I went running for an hour. Afterwards I was satisfied again and ready for more computer work. Today, more webpage transfers. I also transferred my mercurial repos from my home server to the internet server. This will allow much better access to them. The bandwidth at my home is *really* small. Because I want to run my own name server soon, I read more docs about DNS. At home I already have BIND running. The topic however is a bit complicated in my eyes. This is my fourth go on the to- pic and still I realize that I haven't had understood some basic stuff. But now I start getting the feeling that this changes. ;-) Applied the new knowledge to the config on my home server. Years ago, when I still had used Windows, I used to keep my data clearly organized. On Unix and especially with the multiple sys- tems I use regulary, this stopped. Nice: Today I cleaned up and could free several gigabytes of redundant data and old backups. And finally, but most delighting: A message from Steve Baker. Last summer I reported a bug in tree(1) to Debian. [0] In March, this year, I received an unreproducible notice back. A week ago, I managed to dig into the bug and did find the problem: LS_COLORS can hold the value `target' for `ln'. (It's explained in the bug report.) Today, Steve Baker, released a new version of tree, fixing this problem ... my name in the changelog. :-) These are the most beautiful moments in Free Software develop- ment: Getting a thank you and knowing that you did something worthwhile. [0] http://bugs.debian.org/586765 http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke