2010-10-14 Thanks to Juan Granda [0] and the Ministerio de Salud [1], I have a workstation here in Argentina, where I currently am. Until Christmas I'll work on nmh. My focus is improving it's charset and encoding support. The computer runs Debian unstable and already feels pretty much like other computers I use. ksh, aewl (my stripped-down dwm), urxvt, terminus font, screen and the like. I also make use of the situation by switching to the QWERTY key- board layout. This is only intended as an experiment. I havn't decided yet how I'll continue to work back in Germany. The key- board I have is a spanish one, but it doesn't matter as I touch- type. A nice fact is that the keyboard has written ``Antrieb'' on it. I don't know if it is a company's or the product's name, anyway, it doesn't matter. If you speak German you'll probably see the motivation located in this word. The Alt key on the right is (probably on every US keyboard) the same as the Alt key on the left. This introduced a problem for me as I frequently typed + <2> in order to get an `@'. This was just because of habits. Now, on this keyboard it is similar to + <2> which is my shortcut to close the current window. This was annoying, hence I removed the key. I don't use it anyway. [0] http://insulae.com.ar [1] http://www.msal.gov.ar http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke