2010-07-01 Applied, adjusted, and extended Paolo's SMTP SIZE support patch to masqmail. Now server-side SIZE support is available. Checked it against RFC 1870. Such modest-size RFCs are fun to study. How large is an int in C? Most people know that it's not small than a short and not larger than a long. Some know that ANSI C requires short to be at least 16bit and long at least 32bit. But few people *realize* that 16 bits are not much. When I use an int to represent the size of an email in bytes, then it can at most comprise 65KB. This is obviously not enough. A long can hold 4GB which should be enough for some time. Be- cause many systems have 32bit ints, many people don't see the problem. http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke