2010-06-30 Today I started studying and applying Paolo's patch. He had sent me a large patch with his masqmail improvements in November 2009. It stayed in my inbox since then to remind me that I still need to work through it. To split the large diff in small chunks -- one for each file -- I wrote a small awk script: split-diff. #!/bin/sh awk ' BEGIN { f="begin" } /^diff / { gsub(///, "_", $NF); f=$NF ".diff" } { print >f } I applied several of the small patches then. The CapsLock--Escape problem is solved now. cosmac pointed out [0] that you can add ``XKBOPTIONS:"Caps:escape"'' to /etc/default/keyboard. Florian Wilhelm, who I had met at Linuxtag, shared some experi- ences with me. [0] http://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=121457#p773959 http://marmaro.de/lue/ markus schnalke