2021-06-12 Distance Check I used the great weather (28C, sunny, slight north/tail wind) for a quick stop on the practice field to throw some drives. Ten drivers, two rounds, first one standstills, second one with an X-step. The result (sorted by combined distance): - M OLF 92m 94m - Insanity 88m 96m - ES TB 90m 92m - S VL yellow 90m 89m - S TB 159g 86m 95m - P VL 89m 88m - S OLF 91m 86m - Trespass 80m 94m - S VL blue 80m 91m - JLS 85m 86m The data basis is very thin; one bad shot (like the first Trespass throw ruins everthing). But I have knowledge over these two numbers that puts them better into perspective. Some findings: The yellow S VL landed most closely in the direction I intended. Each time again it confirms it's right to occupy a main place in my bag. The most understable disc (P VL) landed at the left and at the right end of the spectrum. The blue S VL is in the middle between the yellow S VL and the P VL, but more towards the P VL side. Especially it does not pro- vide the straightness of the yellow sister disc, which makes that so good. The Trespass flew on the lowerst line to the same distance (but not farther). Although I could throw it farther than other discs, especially on direct (instead of high and wide curving) lines, it's not worth it. The rim's too wide to comfortably grip and it's way less versatile than my other discs. The ES Teebird, as the most ``over-''stable disc flew the same distance, just on slight anny flex lines. Again and again I'm surprised how far that disc goes. S/ES Teebirds are wonderful discs! The light Star Teebird is a nice disc for slightest tailwind or no wind and warm weather. Then it goes far, otherwise it's just too touchy. The MOLF provides consistent distance. It's kinda unreal how good that disc flies for me. It's so easy to get distance. The SOLF is like the MOLF just not as good. It's a bit more beefy (because of weight and plastic) and has kinda slick plastic. Nonetheless, even the shanked SOLF shot flew 85m on pure hyzer. I don't like the disc much because of feel (too slick), and the MOLF is a bit better in every way. The JLS ... I don't know. It used to be a disc that impressed me numerous times on the field, but at least today it didn't work. And then there's the Insanity. I know that it flies far. For the course it's too understable for my liking. This understability provides the long flights, but I don't see the versatility in this disc. In the end I remain where I had been disc-wise: S VL (yellow), MOLF, ES TB (plus the Felon). The SVL and MOLF still have the overlap, but currently I don't mind that. I use the MOLF only for open distance shots when I like to have a bit more fade than the SVL provides. For long hyzers especially I like the SVL much better. For long annies both work well. Distance-wise I have more control over those long (90m) throws. I can throw them more often on golf lines. X-steps don't provide much more distance, about 5m I'd say. On an open shot, I can use them. http://marmaro.de/discgolf/ markus schnalke