2021-02-21 Soehnstetten With Friends Today Marius and Johanna went to Soehnstetten with me to play a round of disc golf. We went in the morning before the to be ex- pected crowds would hit the course. It was Sunday and great weather (12C and sunny), thus everyone went outside. Johanna played with a DX Stingray and a Pure, scoring 99. She mainly played 5s and 6s, because her lack of distance. Marius played with the Roadrunner and a Pure. (He left his Buzzz in the bag. He should have used it much more often instead of the Roadrunner, IMO.) He scored +14 (=67), which is one better than his previous best. It's the fourth time he's played the Soehnstetten course. I ended with a +2 (=56), after a good first half and an underper- forming second half. Let's walk through the holes: #1: I went with the Zone backhand, on a good line, landing just a bit short left. From about 10m I layed up on the sloping green: low and flat ... but unfortunately it somehow stood up nonethe- less, rolling down the hill almost to hole 2's fairway. For- tunately however, my scoober with the Zone through lots of branches brought me back up next to the pin. Thus the seemingly easy three resulted in an eventually lucky four. -> 4 #2: Zone forehand, a bit short. The 8m putt was too risky, thus I layed up, this time upside down. -> 3 #3: MOLF backhand, still too left but at least long enough. I went with a Zone scoober and had a short putt. -> 3 #4: MOLF backhand, with the slight tailwind it lacked a bit turn, thus landing a bit short and a bit left. Missed the 10m putt. -> 3 #5: MOLF backhand into a slight headwind. The flight was great, but the fade too much. The Valk would have been great with the same flight. With the MOLF a forehand might have been the better option. From almost pin-high a Zone backhand upshot uphill to the pin. -> 3 #6: Zone forehand a bit short. I had a 7m half-death putt, which I went for a bit weak, hitting the cage. -> 3 #7: Zone backhand ... parked! :-) -> 2 #8: MOLF backhand ... parked! :-D ... 100m, just perfect! -> 2 #9: MOLF backhand, I forgot to calculate in the right-to-left wind, thus I landed left of the scrubs, instead of right. P3 half-thumber over it. Made the 7m putt. -> 3 #10: MOLF backhand, good line, one of my best drives on that hole. Then I sank the 12m putt! :-) (Right after Marius sank his 12m putt. ;-) ) -> 2 (My first birdie on this hole!) #11: Zone forehand. Missed the 6m putt. :-( -> 3 #12: MOLF backhand hyzer. Missed the 8m uphill putt. -> 3 #13: MOLF backhand, still too left (but otherwise good), I landed on the other side of the lift track. There's no good way to lay- up from there. It was only 8m or so to the pin, but with low scrubs inbetween and steeply sloped away. I tossed the P3 upside-down towards the tree to at least avoid rollaways. Unfor- tunately it slid some meters. (Maybe I should have tossed it to the left and putted downhill from there. However, the actual problem was landing left! I do need to force myself to land on the lower side of the pin.) -> 4 #14: MOLF backhand, landing a bit left. Layed up because of a 9m half-death putt. -> 3 #15: MOLF backhand, a bit short but otherwise good. 8m uphill putt ... missed ... rollaway to the right. :-( 10m putt level to the pin but on the steep right-to-left slope. I went for it, missing it, but landing well. Short comebacker. -> 4 #16: MOLF backhand, went a bit right. Layup a bit short. Missed the 6m putt. :-( -> 4 #17: MOLF backhand anny, a bit too much anny, with luck the result was at about my usual landing zone. Unfortunately I pulled the Zone backhand approach to the right. Missed the 10m putt. -> 4 #18: Zone backhand, good drive. Missed the 10m putt. -> 3 I had two bad rollaways (#1, #15) and I missed a lot of makable putts: 7m, 6m, 8m, 6m, 8m, 6m. This makes 8 possibilities to save a stroke. My success rate with these putts was lower than on the last rounds. But the rounds was good, overall. Today's bag consisted of a P3 putter, my JB Zone and the MOLF as my only driver. The short game is so very much settled. (On the Wiley course the Roc3 is more useful than the Zone, but in Soehnstetten the Zone is more useful than the Roc3.) In Soehnstetten, where most fairways are wide open and you can take several lines, the driver I play with does not matter much. With the Valkyrie instead of the MOLF I would not have played any better I'm pretty sure. With the Teebird/Banshee I might have played a bit worse as I would not have been able to reach holes #8 and #10, also #16 and #4 would have been out of reach. But pars would have been possible to achieve equally well. (The bogeys today all happened with the short game.) The MOLF definitely is a great disc. If my Valkyrie would not be so good, I would use the MOLF for the slot. The MOLF is what the DX Eagle-X used to be for me, but with easier distance and more consistency. It really doesn't matter much which driver I use. I get along well with each of the bunch, especially on an open course like Soehnstetten. (The Wiley has more special demands.) Except for the growing amount of discs, my bag feels very settled and well. I know the discs well for all kinds of lines. (Give me any of my drivers and I play well with it.) http://marmaro.de/discgolf/ markus schnalke