2020-10-19 How to Build a Bag There are many people talking about how to build a bag. Most of those advices are bad, IMO. Unstructured crowded bags are the worst. Better structured and crowded. Best structured and small. I don't like the ``three stabilities per speed class'' approach. It necessarily creates crowded bags. You'll bag at least 12 discs, following this approach, including multiples and backups, it quickly goes up towards 18 or 20. This is no advisable way to build a bag, IMO. This approach lacks flexibility and scalabili- ty. Much better approaches are presented by MindBodyDisc (Your Start- ing Lineup) [0] , Garublador (Garu bag) [1] , and BlakeT [2] [3] . As the main part, they start with few (4-5) core discs (wor- khorses). Then they allow to incrementally add more as need rises. This is a slow growth, based on necessity. On this way, the bag will grow in a shape that fits one's own game. [0] https://mindbodydisc.com/your-starting-lineup/ [1] https://www.dgcoursereview.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32790 [2] https://www.dgcoursereview.com/dgr/resources/articles/discoverlap.shtml [3] https://www.dgcoursereview.com/dgr/resources/articles/choosingadisc.shtml#future http://marmaro.de/discgolf/ markus schnalke