2017-01-23 Wintertime It might be the first time I ever wished the winter to end soon. But 10cm of snow all around, freezing -10 degrees Celsius and kids with their slides going downhill where I was throwing discs recently ... this is just no place for disc golf. Having white colored putters doesn't make it better. I wish I'd have some neon discs. Aren't the 80s coming back? My plans for a home-made training basket aren't really moving forward neither. I do already have a bike wheel to hang the chains on. I do know which chains to buy and I know their price (about 30 EUR). I still have no clue how to build the basket part or what to use for it. And the floor stand, as well, is undecid- ed. I don't want to use an umbrella stand made of concrete be- cause it's not really portable, also I want to be able to place the basket at slopes. Thus I just run through my construction ideas from time to time, but don't get any closer to the finish. Well, and apart from that, there's nothing more to do than watch- ing Youtube. Recently, I came across the Champs vs. Chumps match. That was fun to watch, especially the rematch. [0] The same ap- plies for the Starter Pack Challenge [1] and the Battle of the Eras. [2] These sessions are entertaining (mainly due to Nate Sexton). Of particular worth are the Champs vs. Chumps matches, because this is one of the few possibilities to see those pros (of which you can (and I do) watch hours of footage) in direct comparison to ``normal'' players, some not better than myself. You can see one shot of McBeth and another one by his well play- ing girl-friend (she has less power and does putt not as superhu- manly) and then four shots by the chumps, all off the same tee. This comparison is something that helps me a lot when it comes to deciding for myself what shot to perform -- it shows me so many possibilities and their difference when performed on different ability levels. Now I'm also keen to play Doubles. Hope Spring's coming soon. :-) [0] http://youtu.be/psAYzcVoDlg [1] http://youtu.be/Mk0-E2eFP8E [2] http://youtu.be/t6Y4H6ZXacY http://marmaro.de/discgolf/ markus schnalke